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New York:UNGA79 Side Event – Preparatory Meeting to the 2nd G20 Ministers of Foreign Affairs Meeting

The African Union Commission (AUC) has convened a preparation meeting of AU Member States, ahead of the 2nd G20 Ministers of Foreign Affairs’ meeting, billed for 25 September 2024 in New York.





UNGA79 Side Event – Preparatory Meeting to the 2nd G20 Ministers of Foreign Affairs Meeting

WHAT:           The African Union Commission (AUC) has convened a preparation meeting of AU Member States, ahead of the 2nd G20 Ministers of Foreign Affairs’ meeting, billed for 25 September 2024 in New York.

WHEN:          The preparatory meeting will hold on September 24th, 2024

TIME:                          13:00 – 14:30 hrs (EDT)

WHERE:        Permanent Observer Mission of African Union to the UN, New York, USA.

WHO:             The Economic Development, Trade, Tourism, Industry, Mining, (ETTIM) Department of the AU Commission (AUC).

WHY:              One of the priorities of the G20 Presidency under the Federative Republic of Brazil is the reform of global governance institutions, particularly the United Nations, the International Financial Institutions (World Bank and International Monetary Fund), and the World Trade Organization (WTO).

                        In this respect, the Government of Brazil has initiated the G20 Call to Action on the Global Governance reform as one of the main deliverables of its Presidency. The main objective is to reenergize the international community to act on the long overdue reform of global governance institutions, the majority of which were designed nearly 80 years ago.

In order to mobilize the international community behind the reform of global governance institutions and ensure synergies between the G20 and the United Nations, the Government of Brazil is partnering with the Secretariat of the United Nations, to organize the 2nd G20 Ministers of Foreign Affairs’ meeting on 25 September 2025 at the ECOSOC Chamber, on the margins of the 2024 United Nations General Assembly. The meeting, which will be opened to all the members of the United Nations, will deliberate on the proposed G20 Call to Action, which will be ultimately adopted by G20 Leaders during their Summit on 18 and 19 November 2024 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

The Call to Action covers three main issues: reform of the United Nations (General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and Social Council, Peacebuilding Commission, and UN Secretariat); reform of the international financial architecture (World Bank and International Monetary Fund); and reform of the multilateral trading system.


The objectives of the preparatory meeting are to:

1-    Brief AU Member States on the Call to Action

2-    Highlight the main issues of interest to Africa; and

3-    Discuss common position to be adopted by AU Member States with a view to ensuring that Africa speaks with one voice during the discussions.


The expected outcomes of the meeting are:

  1. AU Member States’ understanding of the G20 Call to Action on the Global Governance Reform is enhanced;
  2. Main issues of interest to Africa are identified; and
  3. Common position to be pursued by AU Member States during the 2nd G20 Ministers of Foreign Affairs’ meeting is adopted; and
  4. African presents a united front during the G20 Foreign Ministers meeting.


Participants to the preparatory meeting are:

All Permanent Representatives of African Union Member States to United Nations, given that the 2nd G20 Ministers of the Foreign Affairs Meeting will be opened to all Members of the United Nations;

  • Representatives for the AU G20 Task Force; and
  • Selected AU G20 Knowledge Partners.


For more information:


Dr. Jean-Bertrand Azapmo I Principal Adviser to AU Commissioner for ETTIM & AUG20 Sherpa I African Union Commission I E-mail: AzapmoJ@africa-union.org 


For media inquiries, please contact:

Ms. Esther Azaa Tankou | Head, Media and Information Division, Communication Adviser, Permanent Observer Mission of the AU to the UN | Information and Communication Directorate | E-mail: yamboue@africa-uinon.org I Tel: +251911361185 / +1 3478127195 (WhatsApp)



Information and Communication Directorate | African Union Commission I E-mail: DIC@africa-union.org I Website: http://www.au.int I Addis Ababa, Ethiopia I Follow Us: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram| YouTube |


  • Media Advisory – UNGA79 Side Event – Preparatory Meeting to the 2nd G20 Ministers of Foreign Affairs Meeting.pdf

Directorate of Information and Communication
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